Tuesday, 11 June 2019



We are glad to announce you that our 4th ESO student Albert Parera Parcet is one of the 10 winners of #EFIM 2019 with the picture Hurt star 7h59'. We also want to thank Arcadi Sagarra Pons for his participation and enthusiasm.

Both Albert and Arcadi are keen on photography and they decided to take part in this contest. Although it seems it is individual work it is important to mention the support they have given each other. 

But, what is this contest about? 

If you are interested and want more information about it, just click on this link http://culturaeducacio.gencat.cat/efim/

Monday, 10 June 2019

FCE 2019

Image result for fce for schools

A group of 4th ESO students is taking the First Certificate Examination (B2) this month. They are a group of talented and solid students who are capable of performing under pressure. We hope they are all successful in passing the examination. Fingers crossed!

What is the FCE for? A B2 First qualification proves you have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study on courses taught in English.

If you need further information, go to https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/first/