Sunday, 7 June 2015

2nd June: sentimental objects

On the 24th February 2014 Sabina turned 12 and her parents bought her a book to motivate her as she didn't like to read. In fact, her parents managed to make her read. The book Sabina was offered is Pulsacions by Xavier Ruescas and Francesc Miralles.

Lluc's mother bought him a ball in 2003 when he was only one year old. He lost this ball at the age of three but, he found it again three years ago.

Last year Àlex travelled to Switzerland with his 6th primary classmates and teachers. It was a fantastic trip!

Pau loves his Lego collection. Everything started when he was 5 and he built a boat with the help of his dad. Then, he built a plane at age 7 and later on he built two spaceships.

A few years ago Laia's parents bought her a cuddly dog. Do you know why? It seems they found an abandoned dog and had it at home during the Christmas break. Laia called it Fosca. Sadly, one day Fosca left and she never came back so her parents bought her a cuddly dog.

Max's aunt couldn't have imagined how important her present would be: 3 cars! Max used to take them everywhere and if he lost one of them...

Stefi has a huge cuddly duck she once got at a fair in Sarrià.

Maria loves her Reina Elisenda photo album.

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Jan is very fond of his electric guitar. It was his best Christmas present in 2014.

Max got a very special present from his grandma the day he was born, a teddy bear.
He also loves a picture with his 6th primary classmates.

Roc has got a very special t-shirt designed by two of his friends and signed by all his classmates and teachers. The idea was to sell lots of t-shirts like this one in order to make money for the end-of-year school trip. They all went to Mallorca and it was great!

Mar's 1st birthay present was a sweet teddy.

Clara got two special presents in the end of 6th primary in Lourdes School. She got a t-shirt and a notebook full of information about all her classmates. We all know she's a great dancer and she showed us her pointe shoes and an album with photos of her ballet performances.

Ada loves her Lys photo album.

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