Sunday, 7 June 2015

A very special afternoon

Nacho's Ferrari model is a present he got from his grandfather, a very special person for him. He likes it because it reminds him of his grandpa and of all the times he played with his brother and their cars.

Jordi's mum had to buy him Tristany, a teddy, to help him sleep on his own.

Anna showed us a very important photo for her taken when she was in nursery school. To her it means love and friendship.

Alejandro has a colorful teddy. It is a boy wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Alejandro's parents bought it when he was born and now he keeps it on a shelf.

Manel has got an adorable and soft teddy. His parents bought it when he was born.

When Sergi turned 3 his grandfather bought him a teddy which was as tall as him. It was too big for Sergi to sleep with him and too dangerous as well.

Martí talked about his old good times in Reina Elisenda School by showing us a photo album which was a surprise from all the 6th primary parents.

Image result for cleveland cavaliers

Jan's teddy is called TED. Why is it special? Well, it is from New York and it is dressed as a Cleveland Cavaliers basketball player, Jan's favourite team.

Gerard's grandfather gave him an Italian coin when he was 5. This coin is 109 years old and it's his lucky coin!

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